25 items
Space-age Sound Artist
The First Step
How One Girl Put Segregation on Trial
Follow the Moon Home
a Tale of One Idea, Twenty Kids, and a Hundred Sea Turtles
I Dissent
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark
If You Are a Kaka, You Eat Doo-doo
and Other Poop Tales From Nature
Jazz Day
the Making of a Famous Photograph
The Marvelous Thing That Came From a Spring
the Accidental Invention of the Toy That Swept the Nation
The Princess and the Warrior
a Tale of Two Volcanoes
Radiant Child
the Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat
The Real Poop on Pigeons!
a Toon Book
Six Dots
a Story of Young Louis Braille
A Spy Called James
the True Story of James Lafayette, Revolutionary War Double Agent
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